Monday, April 16, 2012

Food for mind : Facing adversity positively

There was man who used to live with his family and a dog. The dog had been with the family for quite a long time and had grown old. With age the family had slowly began to realize that the dog was becoming useless and they now required a new dog who could serve them better.

One day the man took his dog for a walk, the street was deserted and it was getting dark. Suddenly the dog fell into an old well and started howling for help. The man looked around him and found no help. Soon enough the man realized that the dog was not worth the trouble of saving. So instead of saving the he decided to bury the dog in the well and put him out of his misery.

The man found a shovel nearby, he used it to dig dirt and throw them into the well. Initially the dog started panicking and howling even more, but sooner he realized that it was of no use. Once the dog regained its calmness a thought suddenly struck him. If only he could use the situation to his advantage he would get out of the well safe. He realized that he has to just shake of the mud over him and step on the accumulated dirt to rise up slowly.

For the whole night the man shoved mud into the well and the dog just shook them and stood on a pile of dirt. Finally at dawn break when the whole of well was covered in mud, the old dog found himself out of the well safe. Seeing his brilliance the man burst into tears and hugged the old friend.

This is life and how we face our problem and deal with it positively. No matter how much worse the situation is, being calm and having a positive attitude will ensure that we emerge victorious.

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